

Impetigo is a common bacterial skin infection that often affects children but can occur in individuals of all ages. Impetigo appears as red sores, typically on the face, hands and other exposed areas. It is highly contagious and spreads through direct contact, so it is better to seek treatment as soon as possible to reduce the chance of it becoming more extensive or spreading to other people.

If you or a young person are suffering with impetigo, our highly qualified pharmacists may be able to treat it without you needing a GP appointment. If we are unable to provide an effective treatment through pharmacy first service, the pharmacist will refer you to another healthcare provider who will be able to help.

What are the symptoms of impetigo?
Impetigo is a skin infection that’s very contagious but not usually serious. It often gets better after two or three weeks if left untreated or in 7 to 10 days if you get treatment. The symptoms of impetigo include:
  • Red sores and blisters: These sores can be small or large and are often filled with fluid or pus. The redness is less easy to see in brown or black skin.
  • Honey-coloured crust: After the blisters burst they typically leave behind a honey-coloured crust, which is sometimes described as looking like cornflakes attached to the skin.
  • Itching: Impetigo sores can be itchy, causing discomfort and a strong urge to scratch the affected area.
  • Pain & tenderness: In some cases, the sores may be painful or tender to touch, especially if they become larger.
  • High temperature and swollen glands: These symptoms sometimes occur in more severe cases.

There are two main forms of impetigo:

Non-bullous impetigo: This is characterised by red sores appearing around the nose and mouth, although other parts of the face and limbs can also be affected. These soon burst and honey-coloured crusts develop which dry out and the red sore areas gradually heal over the following days or weeks. The red sores can be very itchy.

Bullous impetigo: This type of impetigo starts with fluid-filled blisters, usually on the body between the waist and neck or on the limbs. Blisters are quite large, often 1-2cm in diameter. Blisters can spread and then after a few days they burst to produce a yellow crust. The crusts dry and the blisters heal thereafter. The blisters might be painful and the area around them can be itchy. People with bullous impetigo are more likely to have a high temperature or swollen glands.
Common causes of impetigo:
Impetigo is a skin infection usually caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes.

The bacteria can enter healthy skin more easily if the skin is damaged, such as when there are small cuts, insect bites or injuries and scratching an itchy area can introduce the bacteria. Skin is also more prone to impetigo if there is an existing skin condition such as eczema, dermatitis, or a head lice infection.

The bacteria spread easily from one area of skin to another and from person to person through close personal contact, by coming into contact with someone that already has impetigo or by touching contaminated items such as towels or flannels.

The other risk factors for impetigo are:

  • Age: Impetigo is more common in children, especially in school-aged children who may come into close contact with infected individuals.
  • Overcrowded or unsanitary living conditions: Impetigo is more likely to occur in situations where people are in close quarters or have limited access to good hygiene practices.
  • Weakened immune system: for example, people who are receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer.
How to prevent the spread of impetigo
Practising good hygiene and taking other precautions are essential to prevent the spread of impetigo. These include:
  • not touching or scratching the affected area of skin
  • washing the sores with soap and water and covering them loosely with a dressing or clothing
  • washing your hands frequently
  • washing towels, sheets and clothing at high temperature
  • if children are affected, washing their toys
  • avoiding the gym and contact sports
  • avoiding contact with vulnerable people such as those with immunosuppression or diabetes, newborn babies

It stops being contagious:

  • 48 hours after you start using the medical treatment
  • when the sores/blisters dry out and crust over (if you do not get treatment)